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Boating | $17.97 | 12 |
If you are in the market for the a first-rate boating publication, then accept no substitutes for Boating, the most widely-read boating magazine. |
Boating Life | $14.99 | 9 |
For the best in boating, ride the open seas with Boating Life, the magazine of and for boaters. |
Boating World | $12.95 | 10 |
The salty mist of the ocean spraying your face. The fresh winds whisking across the water. |
Go Boating | $9.97 | 8 |
Go Boating helps turn your 15-to-26-foot boat into a source of family fun, travel and vacation. |
Go Boating | $9.97 | 8 |
Great Lakes Angler | $14.95 | 7 |
Great Lakes Angler | $14.95 | 7 |
Lakeland Boating | $14.97 | 11 |
Lakeland Boating magazine is the magazine for Great Lakes Boaters and enthusiasts. |
Lakeland Boating | $14.97 | 11 |
Motor Boating | $13.97 | 12 |
Magazine for today's active yachting enthusiast. |
Motor Boating | $13.97 | 12 |
(Delivers to USA, some titles to Canada) |
Boating Life | $9.99 | 9-Seasonal |
Boating | $17.97 | 12-Monthly |
Boating | $28 | 24-Monthly |
Boating World | $12.95 | 10-Seasonal |
Family & Performance Boating | $21.99 | 6-BiMonthly |
Family & Performance Boating Magazine,Showcases sport and performance boats in ways never before seen, and provides performance enhancement solutions to better meet the power and handling demand of today's more knowledgeable enthusiast. |
Fishing & Hunting News Great Lakes | $34.95 | 24-BiWeekly |
Fishing & Hunting News Great Lakes Magazine,The hardest working magazine for the Outdoors! |
Go Boating | $13.97 | 8-BiMonthly |
Great Lakes Angler | $37.95 | 14-Seasonal |
Great Lakes Angler Magazine,The premier fishing magazine for Great Lakes fisherman. |
Great Lakes Angler | $21.95 | 7-Seasonal |
Heartland Boating | $19 | 9-Seasonal |
Heartland Boating Magazine,Covers boating on the rivers & lakes of the Midwest and Southeast including the Tenn-Tom Waterway. |
Heartland Boating | $34 | 18-Seasonal |
Heartland Boating | $49 | 27-Seasonal |
Lakeland Boating | $44.95 | 22-Seasonal |
Lakeland Boating Magazine,Lakeland Boating-For Powerboater's throughout the Great Lakes and connecting waterways. |
Lakeland Boating | $24.95 | 11-Seasonal |
Motor Boating | $14 | 12-Monthly |
Motor Boating Magazine,Magazine for today's active yachting enthusiast. |
Southern Boating | $22.95 | 12-Monthly |
Southern Boating Magazine,Southern Boating is for boat owners who cruise and sail the waters from Texas to Florida, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean. |