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To see magazines that offer free gifts and prizes, visit these sites:
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and click on the link labeled Magazines With Free Gifts (on the left
sidebar, last time I checked.) There's not as many freebies as there
used to be... here's a few I've seen in the past:
- Time Magazine: Electronic organizer
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- Golf Week: 3 free golf balls also has over 150 magazines covering various industries,
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of their home page. Lastly, they promise you will pay no sales tax or
shipping charges.
- Visit Blue Dolphin Magazines
and enter their prize drawings. You can read the prize drawing rules posted on their
site, or simply buy a magazine and be entered automatically to win prizes.
Often they give away gift certificates worth $50 to $100. Additionally,
they often offer a free "mystery gift" with your subscription, usually a
selection of useful downloadable software.
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over $100 when you can choose five magazines from a selection of
magazines for only $30? You can grab this deal
at It's like getting $70 worth of magazines for free!
(*To save a further $5 making the price $25, use coupon code DC100.*)
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