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Read about the best electronic components from top manufacturers worldwide. |
Car Audio And Electronics | $15.95 | 12 |
Car Craft | $10 | 12 |
If your idea of a great day is getting down and working on your classic hot-rod, then Car Craft magazine can help you make the most of your time and efforts. |
Car Craft | $10 | 12 |
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Stay ahead of the competition with a subscription to Electronic Gaming Monthly. |
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You've seen them in the movies and fantasized about them since childhood, and now Electronic House gives you the inside scoop on creating fully-automated homes. |
Electronic House | $19.95 | 10 |
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Kit Car | $14.97 | 6 |
Old Cars Price Guide | $17.98 | 6 |
Old Cars Price Guide | $17.98 | 6 |
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Old Cars Weekly | $36.98 | 52 |
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Radio Control Car Action is dedicated to covering America's fastest growing hobby - radio control cars. |
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We know that you get the most pleasure in taking your sports car on the open road and letting it all hang out. |
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Toy Cars and Vehicles | $19.98 | 12 |
(Delivers to USA, some titles to Canada) |
Car and Driver | $21.94 | 24-Monthly |
Car and Driver Magazine,The world's largest automotive magazine, presenting unsurpassed technical expertise and the ability to place readers into a virtual drivers seat. |
Car and Driver | $11.97 | 12-Monthly |
Car Audio And Electronics | $15.95 | 12-Monthly |
Car Audio And Electronics Magazine,Read about the best electronic components from top manufacturers worldwide. |
Car Collector | $44.95 | 24-Monthly |
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Electronic Gaming Monthly Magazine,Every issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly offers readers the latest news, game reviews, and tips about the most exciting new games on Nintendo 64, PlayStation, Saturn, SuperNES, Genesis, GameBoy, Game Gear, Jaguar and Neo-Geo video game systems. |
Electronic House | $15 | 12-BiMonthly |
Electronic Musician | $23.97 | 12-Monthly |
Electronic Publishing | $FREE for trade pros | 12 |
Electronic Publishing Magazine,Electronic Publishing delivers in-depth coverage of new products and technologies for graphic arts professionals month after month. This magazine is free for industry/trade professionals! |
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Import Car | $35.2 | 12-Monthly |
Import Car Magazine,The complete import service magazine is geared exclusively to the vehicle repair needs of import specialist technicians. |
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Military & Aerospace Electronics | $FREE for trade pros | 12 |
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SheKnows Low Carb | $13.99 | 4 |
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SheKnows Low Carb | $21.99 | 8 |
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(USA & some worldwide delivery) |
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Car & Driver | $11.97 | 12 |
This magazine is for automobile enthusiasts interested in domestic and imported autos. |
Car Audio And Electronics | $17.95 | 12 |
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Old Cars Price Guide | $19.98 | 6 |
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Old Cars Weekly | $41.98 | 52 |
Contains news and features on collector cars, restoration tips, auction results, car show information. |
Radio Control Car Action | $19.95 | 12 |
RC Car | $19.98 | 12 |
RC Car Magazine is the most comprehensive publication available for radio control car enthusiasts. |
Sport Compact Car | $23.94 | 12 |